Dwell $5.95 for 6 issues
Humpty Dumpty's $7.98 for 3 issues
Jack And Jill $7.98 for 3 issues
Time $6.30 for 12 issues
Bridal Guide $8.37 for 6 issues
Guideposts $11.99 for 6 issues
Reader's Digest $12.57 for 9 issues
Us Weekly $10.86 for 26 issues

DEAL OF THE DAY: Diverse Issues in Higher Education $21.84 for 26 issues
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Monday, April 29, 2024  

MagazinePriceSearch.com tracks the lowest prices for 760 magazines from the following 12 online magazine stores.

Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
Blue Dolphin
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
(Subscriptions automatically renew)
College Subscription Services
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
Customer Service Form
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
Contact Form
319 magazines
238 best priced magazines
79 coupons
500 magazines
155 best priced magazines
485 magazines
222 best priced magazines
522 magazines
145 best priced magazines
(Some subscriptions automatically renew.)
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.
Store is Temporarily Offline - Either the site is down or there was a problem processing their price list. We are working to resolve the problem.

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Please note that MagazinePriceSearch.com only tracks prices for US delivery of magazine subscriptions at this time. Prices are subject to change. If a coupon is available, the price shown is the net price after the coupon. Standard delivery time for the first issue of most monthly magazines is usually 6 to 16 weeks. Unless otherwise specified, prices are usually good for new subscriptions, renewals, or gift subscriptions. The number of issues is for informational purposes only. Magazine subscriptions are sold by the subscription length, and publishers sometimes change the number of issues per year. Use of this site constitutes agreement with our Terms of Service.

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